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My passion...shared!
Triathletes...We're gifted in a little bit of everything! (Jealous?)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Endurance of a different kind.

Home for me is New England, specifically Massachusetts.  I sent a text to family and friends on Monday asking if everyone was ok.  I said it looked like there was a ton of water from what the TV was showing.  Thankfully my family didn't get too much more than rain and some wind, but nothing like what happened in NY and NJ.  So I have been thinking a lot lately about all the people back East dealing with the aftermath of the Frankenstorm Sandy that was so much less than kind and happy over the Halloween Holiday.

There is going to be, as there is now probably, a lesson, whether needed or not, to be learned about endurance.  Endurance of a different kind.  Not the kind that many athletes are used to but more in the area of just putting your head down, picking up everything and figuring out a way to start over!  I watch the news shows covering all of it, talking with people, showing all the destruction and all I can think to do in the moment is to send out a prayer to all of them, for strength, perseverance, patience, and for the ability to dig deep and find the endurance to push through.  The clean up is going to take a long time, people have absolutely nothing left.  The Holidays are in are midst and it's going to be really hard with so much lost to even think about shopping, cooking Thanksgiving dinner or decorating the tree.  But people on the East coast are tough, they have the tenacity of warriors, they never give up.

When I first moved away from home, I would sometimes here people say of people that lived in the North East that they were mean, rude or bitchy.  Well in defense of my fellow NorEastr's, I beg to differ.  I have lived down South, out West, all the way to Cali and there is a difference in demeanor, yes, but so is the lifestyle and the environment.  You can't be a 'woos' and complain that it's cold, or too hot and humid.  It's not all sunshine and surfing.  No, we don't get earth quakes as often as the West Coast, but life in the east is different and you have to be strong.  There's also that old saying about NY, something about making it there, you can make it anywhere.  I think there is a good reason that song is considered an 'anthem'.  So go easy on folks, if you have friends who are from up/over there.  They may have family, friends and loved ones who are in the middle of the worst event, other than 9/11 that they will probably ever go through.  They need support, they need stuff!  When people say they lost everything, it's really Everything.  Going to the Red Cross, bringing anything you have that you could do without because you know somewhere on the East coast, someone needs it more than you do.  Gift cards to Target to buy underwear, socks, necessities and that's just the small stuff.  They'll need a home.  If there is anything positive about this, I hope there are people who have been out of jobs who are in the construction industry who can go out and help rebuild these communities.  I know its hard to think that anything positive can come from such destruction, but if we don't look for the Light in everything then we miss it, we miss a lesson.

So think of something you can do.  If you don't have anything to give then give positive thoughts, send out your own strength and endurance.  When you think you can't run or ride or swim another mile, push a little more because you know somewhere there is someone walking through match sticks that once was there house and they need a little more strength to get through the day.  They don't have time to train anymore, no money going to any races anytime soon.  It's kids clothes and food and finding an apartment to live in until they can figure out their next move.  So say a prayer, light a candle and send out some love.  We take care of each other, that's what we do when the chips are down.  So help where and how you can, because there is someone who needs it and will most definitely appreciate it.  Be safe!
Love (Kabbalah)

p.s. has quite a few links on ways you can help. Check it out. 

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