My passion...shared!

My passion...shared!
Triathletes...We're gifted in a little bit of everything! (Jealous?)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ageless Athlete...futures infinite possibility, Triathleta Race Series and more!

View from Grand Lake Mountain Lodge 
Ok, so it's been a bit too long since I was here writing, but I do have some good reasons.  Lots going on with the planning of the new Triathleta Race Series among a few other things.  I went to Grand Lake the weekend of Memorial Day, had a little R&R and met with the Town Manager and the Director of Tourism of Grand Lake and got the 'grand' tour, pun intended.  It's a quaint little town, so it wasn't a super long tour, but I got the lay of the land enough to take on the day and go into 'plan' mode.  I spent the afternoon driving around, thinking of different ways the Run leg of the triathlons could go, so by now I think I know the town pretty well.  There is lots more to do still, but I've made a fair amount of progress.  Now it's presentations in front of the City Council, Bike course fine tuning, Permits through the Sheriff's dept., Registration site added to my website, Corporate Sponsorships, Race Expo invitations and on and on and's very exciting to see it come to fruition, even in the smallest way by going to the town, deciding where everything will be.  I almost can say 'I can't wait til next August', but I can, don't want it to get here too fast.  I have one final request to submit to the musicians and that is just about one month from now, 7/15, and I really hope they say Yes!  I have the perfect spot to set up the stage and even the locals I talked to were excited by the idea, so here's hoping!  Goo Goo Dolls!
View For The Band, (but a bit closer to the ground)

So if that isn't enough to keep me busy, my website is moving, finally, to a new platform.  I have help this time so the 'tricked out' much improved, functioning SEO stuff will be most welcome and the look of the site will be more interesting for all of you and this blog will be linked to the site too.  The look behind that will change to, sort of bummed about that actually, as I think Blogger has nice look'n blogs, but Design 101, Form Follows Function, so it has to work first, look pretty second, so it's coming soon!  Finally!

The latest and greatest addition happened, literally, in a matter of hours (even writing that seems crazy, but it's true) and it's where a new chapter has been added to my book of daily activities.    I have taken on an additional role in becoming the Managing Director for a nutritional supplement company that is re-branding a portion of a very successful existing line and focusing on athletes, of all ages.  And it's appropriately called 'Ageless Athlete' You kids, listen up!  This stuff is for you too!  No more couch surfing playing video games, you're going to feel amazing and want to get outside, make some mud pies and whip'm at your friends after school.  The good 'clean' fun like I used to have with my childhood friend, Dolly, when I was a kid.  Mud Pies...a very effective way to tease boys...  '-)  Anyway, I am working on branding/logo/new website etc... so it's all keeping me quite busy and I love it!

So what does it mean to really be ageless?  The consummate 'Fountain Of Youth' right?  Well, yes, actually, that is possible when you put your health and body first.  When you do that, anything is possible.  Your future really does have infinite possibilities.  It's a lesson I learned as a kid, from my Mother, who said that your health is the most important thing.  Pay attention to that and the rest will take care of itself.  Some advice I am grateful for and I still live by it today.  Unfortunately, not everyone follows this mantra.  A friend of mine read me a statistic the other day, it said that 70% of Americans are on some sort of medication.  A very alarming number, in my opinion.  I wonder how many of those people, if they just changed their diet, got off dairy, gluten, meat and added more fruit and vegetables, and started to exercise, could eliminate those medications all together.  It is a goal, my big picture, if you will, that I want to and plan on contributing to as this Ageless Athlete line launches and gets out to people.

People think that diet, proper food and exercise won't change a thing, partially because that is what many doctors out there tell people.  I have had it relayed to me in these exact words...'Nothing you eat or do is going to change you, you'll need to be on this medication for the rest of your life'.  Word for word!  And then 6 months later, I had reversed my diagnosis completely, with lots of greens, homeopathic tinctures and a product called Ambrotose.  So you were wrong Doc!  I am completely healthy, no medications, just pure energy from products found in nature!

What happened to people believing in the phrase 'Caveat Emptor' - Let the buyer beware.  You're not buying a car, mind you, but you are buying drugs to put in your body, so you think you would research everything you could about what those drugs are, how they really affect you, whether they are really good or even more, healthy for you to put in your mouth.  It's more important than a car, over the course of your lifetime, you may spend more on your health than a car, so shouldn't you do the research, look for alternatives before you spend that kind of money?    It's baffling to me really because I hate medications.  I honestly and truly believe that your body does not recognize them and they only do harm.  I would much rather eat a ton of good foods that are healthy, clean your system out, get some good Vitamin D and rebuild my body the way nature intended, with natural products in nature, not pharmaceuticals.

This is what I will try to accomplish with Ageless Athlete.  Yes the products are geared towards athletic performance, enhancing that performance, providing faster recovery, all in a natural product line that gives you what your body needs, and can utilize best because it comes from vitamins, minerals and herbs and is formulated by a man who was originally, 25+ years ago, given less than 6 months to live, because of a systemic cancer diagnosis.  He believed what I believe and thankfully is still with us and continues to pass along his knowledge, and passion for amazing, pure health.  I am very happy to know him and be part of his mission to heal others and get people moving.

So, I will try to get on here and write more about what is happening.  Race series, website, product launch.  We do have new Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages, so you can check out things I post in that regard and see what's coming along.

Until next time...  Keep moving forward!

Caroline / Triathleta

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