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My passion...shared!
Triathletes...We're gifted in a little bit of everything! (Jealous?)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My new (old) workout music...what's in your ear?

I wish they had music at my pool! 

As of the beginning of this year I am back into training mode, 100%.  I've had more than long enough of an 'off season'.  It was actually a complete off racing for some time but that is changing this year.  I've been in the pool after a really long time out of the water.  Guess I must be part fish, and may actually be, a Capricorn, because whenever I get back in the pool I always think to myself how much I love to swim.  Granted my arms are wicked sore and I have to take a breather every once and a while more than I used to but, it's getting better and will get even better than that.  I am also running much more, pretty much every day now.  And I have to say I am so happy that it is without any pain in my left knee.  IT band syndrome had me running in pain for years until my chiro told me my foam roller was my new best friend and thank god he was right.
So now that I feel like a new human, old tri-geak come back around, I want music when I run.  Who knew! 
I never would train with music in the past especially when I would run.  I did for a little while, when people would put there cd player in a little fanny pack, god that seems forever ago.  But I did that, when I needed music. I know, complete nerd!  But this was before IPod's and Iwhatchamacallit.  But for whatever reason I just stopped wanting music when I ran.  I needed to hear myself breathe, it was my own 'heart rate monitor' of sorts I guess.  I also would run at night by myself and honestly, I wanted to make sure I heard everything around me.  The curse of being a woman wanting to still get her workout in even though she shouldn't be running anywhere alone at night.  Thank god for 24 hr fitness and treadmills I guess!

So a friend of mine from college posted something on my Facebook page and it opened up a door from my past that I guess I had closed.  Nothing bad, but you know how a song can bring you back in time, just hearing it and all of a sudden your somewhere else in your head.  Well I guess that's what happened to me.  Remember that commercial for Nike I think, someone is running on a muddy, puddled trail, all secluded and quiet, just you and the forest, and this voice comes on and says, ever get a song stuck in your head when your running?, then the song 'Jeremiah was a Bullfrog' comes on, and the voice says, 'You will now'!  I loved that!!  That was sort of how I felt, except with other songs.  When I was a kid, I loved, loved the Police.  It was a bit crazy, but I opened myself up to new stuff in college back East, Rochester, NY.  I listened to what everyone did back then, in the late 80's early 90's, the techno / punk rock.  But one group that came out of all that, and in the same neck of the woods, was the Goo Goo Dolls.  So when my friend made her post on my page, I all of sudden remembered that I loved those guys.   Where were all my cd's?  So I went looking and realized I was missing a few, only some cases, no cd's, probably lost to some old roommates, can you blame them really.  
(Picture of me on 01/01/2013, Commitment Day race, with my tunes.  It was chilly that AM, 9 degree's at start of race, music made me run faster to get back to my warm car)

 This is what got me...How could you resist, honestly???

So I've become a bit re-obsessed with the Goo Goo Dolls of late. I'm learning new songs I've never heard before that I love, love even more than the Police!  But I get on my bike/trainer in my apt and stick in the videos/live concert from Buffalo and Red Rocks and ride for all of it.  The Red Rocks one is sort of surreal because, when there isn't a ton of snow, I train at Red Rocks, run the stairs and bleachers.  I was living in CA when they filmed that concert, and so bummed I missed it but at least when I go again, I will have them streaming through my Yurbuds to help me up the stairs a dozen times or so.  Music has always been a big part of my active life since I was a toddler, literally.  I started dancing at age 4, to Rockn' Robbin and I can still remember that!  I couldn't or didn't really 'dance' back then, but I still can remember the music and the point-step-point-step I was learning.  Those were the days, I wanted to be a Rockette, then I got too tall!  Such is life...there loss right?!  Anyway, whatever your poison in music, be it Poison or Police or something from a Boy Named Goo, I say keep it coming.  Music is such a great partner when your working out, I just wish I had music when I was in the pool!

The Goo Goo Dolls are going to be releasing a new CD this year, this Spring I think, I hope, so I will have a dozen plus more songs to add to my IShuffle.  I might have to transfer all of it to my phone cuz I am almost maxed out on my songs for the little guy.  Gotta run for now, literally.  After all this talk about music and working out, I feel like moving again!
Until next time...
Caroline / Triathleta

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